Setting Mesh Options

Enabling/Disabling meshes and mesh groups in your variant.


Each mesh option object looks like this:

      tag: 'CHAIR',
      enabled: true   

The meshesarray of the options object should contain the tags and enabled states of meshes you wish to include in your variant:

var data = {
    productCode: 'SKU001'
    options: {    
        meshes : [
                tag: 'CHAIR',
                enabled: true   
                tag: 'FOOTSTOOL',
                enabled: true


By default all tagged meshes are disabled, so setting enabled:false is optional.

Mesh Groups

Mesh tags in the file can also apply to groups of meshes (toggling on/off a parent node that contains multiple child meshes in the hierarchy).

When toggling meshes and mesh groups on or off, the parent item in the 3D model's hierarchy will take precedence.

For example if GROUP contains MESH and you set GROUP to be disabled, then MESH will be always be disabled, even if explicitly set to enabled. This behaviour mirrors what you would expect in a 3D editor or game engine.

Last updated