Setting Material Options

Applying your materials to meshes and groups of meshes, and changing material properties.


A minimal material option object looks like this:

      tag: 'LEATHER',
      meshTag: 'CHAIR'

Where meshTag is the tag of the mesh or group of meshes you want to apply the material to, and tag is the tag of the material you want applied.

var data = {
    productCode: 'SKU001'
    options: {    
        materials : [
                tag: 'LEATHER',
                meshTag: 'CHAIR'
                tag: 'LEATHER',
                meshTag: 'FOOTSTOOL'


You should only include each meshTag once in the meshes array

Applying Materials to Mesh Groups

When you have tagged a group of meshes, you can apply materials the same as if you had tagged each individual mesh (e.g. GROUP contains MESH1 and MESH2, setting meshTag:GROUP, tag:RED will apply the RED material to both.)

Using mesh groups with materials becomes more powerful when you combine setting individual meshes and groups. Setting the material on individual mesh tag will always override any group material set.

With the example given above (GROUP containing MESH1 and MESH2), if you set the following options:

    tag: 'RED',
    meshTag: 'GROUP'
    tag: 'GREEN',
    meshTag: 'MESH1'

then MESH1 would be GREEN, and MESH2 would be RED.

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